Tamara Harms, Assistant Professor Tamara is an ecosystem ecologist and biogeochemist interested in the effects of spatial heterogeneity and hydrologic flowpaths on elemental cycles. She has studied desert riparian zones and streams, urban ecosystems, and boreal and arctic catchments. Current research focuses on the potential consequences of permafrost loss and climate change for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in high latitude catchments.
Becca Risser, M.S. student Becca earned a B.S. in ecology at the University of Georgia. Her thesis research focuses on the role of spatial and temporal heterogeneity of flowpaths on nutrient uptake and transport on arctic hillslopes. She is particularly interested in the roles of thawing soils and flowpath depth, flow velocity, and redox state.
Margit Jaeger, Undergraduate student Margit is pursuing a B.S. in biology at UAF and works as a field assistant with the water tracks project.